The Women in Payments™ is an international symposium in the financial industry specific to the payments vertical. Hubnest has been working together for over two years now as Women in Payments has grown.
Most recently, we coded the second design and re-branding efforts. The website was designed to have a completely custom content management system which was created with the administrators in mind. The system was designed to be scalable and incorporate new countries and sub-domains as the symposium locations grow. Additionally, all the Event Programs, Speakers, and Registrations are also managed by the administrators directly, giving them full website control.
The development team worked closely with Women In Payments graphic designers to create a flawless browsing experience on all devices. As the testing took place, we noticed that loading times were very slow for some of the images. Upon an extensive investigation, we determined that the existing server had a reduced connection speed and the node had a lot of other traffic, therefore reducing server performance. After moving the server, the website speeds are at an optimal level.
We continue to add value by having automation process discussions that will streamline the current operation process. Data collection is one of the automation process that will help gather data used to improve future events.