Career Webpage: It Matters and You Need One
October 19, 2016
Author: Erwin Lee

Having a career webpage enables a business to show who you are and what you stand for (think: culture). But, most importantly, it helps you attract the right candidates while instilling confidence in job seekers who want to come work for you. We’ve taken a look at 4 companies with fantastic career websites, and picked our favorite aspect of each website in hopes that you can create your own unique and perfect career webpage.


Google’s career site offers transparency, having a comprehensive “How We Hire” section of their site. Looking to impress the people in People Operations (Google’s term for HR)? Go no further. Read from Laszlo Bock, head of Google’s People Ops, on how to improve your resume. Giving the candidates information on your hiring process isn’t cheating, it’s strengthening your brand, making you seem legitimate in your hiring practices, and all the while being upfront in what you expect from a candidate. This will ensure only ready-minded candidates walk through your door!

Want to show that your company fosters growth in-house? Advertise (or develop) your student and graduate educational programs. In 2015, PwC onboarded over 20,000 college seniors into their various corporate programs. Their website lays out the details of their programs, why it is they exist, and how interns, graduate students and recent graduates can apply. Education in the workplace is a two-way street. It helps experienced workers mentor and advise young professionals, while also giving your seasoned employees insight into latest trends and practices. Educational programs are mutually beneficial to the employee and employer, and showcasing them on your website is the perfect way to show that you are pro-growth in the workplace!

Give your brand a personality. The first thing you see upon landing on Spotify’s career page is a prompt asking “Want to join the band?”. Instantly a future employee is given a sense of who Spotify is as a brand, and what their “brand personality” is. Just as candidates need to stand out in a sea of applicants, you want your company to shine through in a sea of potential employers. Give candidates a feel for who you, as a company are, and what your existing employees are like. This will enable you to put together the best team with cohesive work styles and ambitions. 

Deloitte’s career site boasts an excellent company culture. Company Culture: a phrase that has mistakenly become synonymous with sipping on beers, while sitting in beanbag chairs, all the while typing away on a Macbook in the office. Rest assured, we’re here to clear up your preconceived notions on what defining your company culture means, and to help you understand why it is crucial to do so on a career webpage. Having a culture puts purpose behind your brand. The benefits you offer, incentives you give, and workplace you create are all reasons why employees want to come to work every day. A company is only as successful as its happy workers. Use your career page to show pride in the culture your company cultivates.

Whether you're a music streaming service, public auditing house, consulting firm, or technology start-up, every company has a lot to offer through their career opportunities. Be transparent with your hiring process, advertise your company’s culture, show company growth, and define your brand’s personality. For help setting up a career site, contact us below!

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